A Study For Women
Unpack the secret to power and influence in your marriage!

Welcome To Respectfully Yours!
The Secret to Power and Influence in Your Marriage - A Video Study for Women.

Session 1 - Who’s Right?
Emerson introduces male-female communication and how we are not wrong...just different! We were both created in the image of God – equal but not the same.

Session 2 - Are We Crazy?
Without love she reacts without respect; without respect he reacts without love. The Crazy Cycle-what it looks like, how you get on it, and how to get off it sooner.

Session 3 - Who Does God Think He Is?
Learn what it means to have a deeper revelation of God as heavenly Father. As you understand who God is, you can trust Him to take care of you.

Session 4 - What Am I Worth?
We can embrace our worth to God, which empowers us to unconditionally respect our husbands as women of dignity.

Session 5 - How Do I Respect THAT?
How to respect in the midst of unloving actions, dealing with negative thoughts and feelings and replacing them with Scripture. The result is true freedom in Christ.

Session 6 - What Does Respect Look Like?
Contempt will never, ever motivate your man, whereas a positive, respectful approach will. You will learn practical examples and change the atmosphere in your home.

Session 7 - What Does Respect Sound Like?
You will not be a doormat. You will be a welcome mat to the power of God in your life! Learn more about the principle and word respect by doing the Respect Test.

Session 8 - What's In It For Me?
Let’s stay the course with the bigger picture in mind. Be encouraged that no respectful word or deed goes unrewarded in God’s Kingdom!

Closing Thoughts
A letter from Emerson and Sarah plus an appendix with four questions Emerson often gets that he answers.
Welcome To Respectfully Yours!
The Secret to Power and Influence in Your Marriage - A Video Study for Women. This session includes the trailer video, some opening comments, participant guidelines, instructions for leaders, and workbook downloads if you choose to download.
Who's Right?
Emerson introduces male-female communication and how we are not wrong...just different! We were both created in the image of God – equal but not the same. This was God’s intentional design. While men and women both need love and respect, during conflict men’s deepest need is for respect, while women’s deepest need is for love.
Are We Crazy?
The Crazy Cycle: Without love she reacts without respect; without respect he reacts without love. You will learn how to understand the Crazy Cycle...what it looks like, how you get on it, and how to get off sooner! You will be challenged to focus on a gentle, quiet spirit as a way to stop the crazy cycle of conflict.
Who Does God Think He Is?
God is a loving Father whose commands are given to help us, not to hurt us. As a good God, He is completely trustworthy and His commands are not burdensome. Learn what it means to have a deeper revelation of God as heavenly Father who wants what is best for you. As you understand who God is, you can trust Him to take care of you.
What Am I Worth?
When we place our faith in Jesus, we become a new creation and all of God’s Kingdom is available to us. That means we are royalty! In addition to having fellowship with God and gaining entrance into heaven, we also gain a new identity and have access to the power of God. We can embrace our worth to God, which empowers us to unconditionally respect our husbands as women of dignity.
How Do I Respect THAT?
Getting in tune with our thoughts enables us to take our thoughts captive in obedience to Christ, renewing our minds as we focus on the Truth in God’s Word. You will learn how to respect in the midst of unloving actions, dealing with negative thoughts that lead to negative feelings, and replacing them with Scripture. The result is true freedom in Christ!
What Does Respect Look Like?
Showing respect to your man is not complicated. It can be as simple as being friendly and watching your facial expressions and tone of voice. Contempt will never, ever motivate your man, whereas a positive, respectful approach will. You will learn practical examples of how to show respect to your husband and change the atmosphere in your home.
What Does Respect Sound Like?
You can have biblical power and influence as a strong, godly woman. You have the power within you, through Christ, to walk through even the most challenging, painful marital issues as a respectful woman. You will not be a doormat. You will be a welcome mat to the power of God in your life! Learn to use the word respect by doing the Respect Test and to accept and understand that God has wired men to be energized by this simple, yet profound principle of respect.
What's In It For Me?
A strong woman of dignity puts on respect out of her love and reverence for Jesus Christ. She trusts that His Word not only protects and empowers her but also rewards her with incomprehensible eternal blessings. Let’s stay the course with the bigger picture in mind. Be encouraged that no respectful word or deed goes unrewarded in God’s Kingdom!
We Hope You Have Learned and Enjoyed!
A letter from Emerson and Sarah plus an appendix with four questions Emerson often gets that he answers.
From Emerson and Sarah
Emerson says, “As a pastor, I wept with wives in my office. Together, we struggled with ways to motivate their husbands to be more loving.I kept coming up with ways that she could be more loving. But, she was loving! And, when she loved him in different ways, it wasn’t having the kind of impact we desired. One day it dawned on me to ask, ‘What does the Bible say about motivating a husband to be more loving?’ And I was a Bible teacher! What you hold in your hands is that discovery. This truth wipes away most of those tears.”
Sarah says, “For more than a decade Emerson and I have been doing marriage conferences around the country. We have been sharing a message to which men are responding. I want to subtitle the Love and Respect Conference: ‘The conference men want to attend!’ Wives are asking their husbands, ‘Is this the way you feel?’ Men are saying, ‘Absolutely.’ And women ask, ‘Why hasn’t anybody told us this?’ One wife said, ‘Your seminar supplied the missing piece that made the information we already had click into place in a practical way.’ We believe there is one key word that could revolutionize your marriage. This is God’s fundamental way to motivate husbands.”
What husband does not know that he is to love his wife? There are countless books on the subject, countless conferences and counseling programs. Generally speaking, husbands don’t lack this knowledge. But what many of them do lack, for some reason, is motivation. Who primarily seeks out marriage counseling? Who most often urges attendance at a marriage seminar? Who reads the books on marriage and leaves those books around to read? Who tries to get a spouse to change? You got it. She does. We felt that this was the fundamental problem in many of the marriage difficulties we encountered, and figuring out what to do about it has been the fundamental problem for marriage counselors all over.
So what does motivate a husband to love, and feel more love for his wife? Why isn’t there a simple answer – and if there is a simple answer, why aren’t people more aware of it? Well, we did discover a simple answer. The only problem is that the simple answer we discovered is a huge secret. And how could it be anything but huge? After all, this is the secret that cracks the communication code between husbands and wives! It doesn’t get much bigger than that!
The good news is that once you learn the secret – and it’s a secret that shouldn’t be a secret – you will be armed with something extraordinary. As you embark on this journey with us, putting into practice the principles we discuss, you will actually be able to effect positive changes in your marriage, probably to an extent about which you might only have dreamed before.
God’s Word reveals a realistic and positive view of marriage, and it works. If you are willing to act on this Word from God, over the marathon of your marriage you can give testimony to what happened in the heart of your good-willed husband toward you. When you crack his code, you unlock something very positive in his heart. May you be mightily blessed beyond all measure in your study and application of this biblical wisdom.
With Love and Respect,
Emerson and Sarah Eggerichs
What You Will Learn
Who's Right?
Emerson introduces male-female communication and how we are not wrong...just different! We were both created in the image of God – equal but not the same. This was God’s intentional design. While men and women both need love and respect, during conflict men’s deepest need is for respect, while women’s deepest need is for love.
Are We Crazy?
The Crazy Cycle: Without love she reacts without respect; without respect he reacts without love. You will learn how to understand the Crazy Cycle...what it looks like, how you get on it, and how to get off sooner! You will be challenged to focus on a gentle, quiet spirit as a way to stop the crazy cycle of conflict.
Who Does God Think He Is?
God is a loving Father whose commands are given to help us, not to hurt us. As a good God, He is completely trustworthy and His commands are not burdensome. Learn what it means to have a deeper revelation of God as heavenly Father who wants what is best for you. As you understand who God is, you can trust Him to take care of you.
What Am I Worth?
When we place our faith in Jesus, we become a new creation and all of God’s Kingdom is available to us. That means we are royalty! In addition to having fellowship with God and gaining entrance into heaven, we also gain a new identity and have access to the power of God. We can embrace our worth to God, which empowers us to unconditionally respect our husbands as women of dignity.
How Do I Respect THAT?
Getting in tune with our thoughts enables us to take our thoughts captive in obedience to Christ, renewing our minds as we focus on the Truth in God’s Word. You will learn how to respect in the midst of unloving actions, dealing with negative thoughts that lead to negative feelings, and replacing them with Scripture. The result is true freedom in Christ!
What Does Respect Look Like?
Showing respect to your man is not complicated. It can be as simple as being friendly and watching your facial expressions and tone of voice. Contempt will never, ever motivate your man, whereas a positive, respectful approach will. You will learn practical examples of how to show respect to your husband and change the atmosphere in your home.
What Does Respect Sound Like?
You can have biblical power and influence as a strong, godly woman. You have the power within you, through Christ, to walk through even the most challenging, painful marital issues as a respectful woman. You will not be a doormat. You will be a welcome mat to the power of God in your life! Learn to use the word respect by doing the Respect Test and to accept and understand that God has wired men to be energized by this simple, yet profound principle of respect.
What's In It For Me?
A strong woman of dignity puts on respect out of her love and reverence for Jesus Christ. She trusts that His Word not only protects and empowers her but also rewards her with incomprehensible eternal blessings. Let’s stay the course with the bigger picture in mind. Be encouraged that no respectful word or deed goes unrewarded in God’s Kingdom!

Emerson and Sarah Eggerichs
Excited yet burdened about male and female relationships, Dr. Emerson Eggerichs and his wife Sarah launched the Love & Respect Conferences in 1999. Based on over three decades of counseling as well as scientific and biblical research, the Love and Respect conference, the Love & Respect book, and many other resources like Respectfully Yours, have given hope and new life to thousands of marriages.
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Who is this class for?
We read in 1 Corinthians 7:26 about “the present distress.” The church at Corinth encountered some type of grave adversity. Are you or is someone about whom you have concern experiencing some kind of hardship? Emerson invites us to do two specific things as a couple or in a small group that prepares us to navigate the trouble in front of us.
How much knowledge and experience do I need to take this class
We read in 1 Corinthians 7:26 about “the present distress.” The church at Corinth encountered some type of grave adversity. Are you or is someone about whom you have concern experiencing some kind of hardship? Emerson invites us to do two specific things as a couple or in a small group that prepares us to navigate the trouble in front of us.
Is this class good for children?
We read in 1 Corinthians 7:26 about “the present distress.” The church at Corinth encountered some type of grave adversity. Are you or is someone about whom you have concern experiencing some kind of hardship? Emerson invites us to do two specific things as a couple or in a small group that prepares us to navigate the trouble in front of us.
How exactly does the month-long class work?
We read in 1 Corinthians 7:26 about “the present distress.” The church at Corinth encountered some type of grave adversity. Are you or is someone about whom you have concern experiencing some kind of hardship? Emerson invites us to do two specific things as a couple or in a small group that prepares us to navigate the trouble in front of us.
What is the time commitment and schedule for the class?
We read in 1 Corinthians 7:26 about “the present distress.” The church at Corinth encountered some type of grave adversity. Are you or is someone about whom you have concern experiencing some kind of hardship? Emerson invites us to do two specific things as a couple or in a small group that prepares us to navigate the trouble in front of us.