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Long ago I discovered a disheartening and detrimental pattern that drains a married couple of the positive vitality they experienced earlier in their relationship, and still long to experience now, when they do not apply a specific scripture to their marriage.
Finding win-win solutions in marriage means both partners feel satisfied with the outcome. This requires acknowledging and validating each other’s perspectives.
Famed physicist Stephen Hawking once said that women are the most intriguing mystery he ever came upon during his lifetime. Thirteenth-century poet Rumi agreed, writing, “A woman is a mystery to guide a wise and open man.”
I have spoken to and counseled countless numbers of extremely successful professionals—Fortune 500 company executives, NFL coaches and general managers, professional athletes, church ministry leaders, and many others at the top of their game.
In Matthew 19:9, Jesus said, “And I say to you, whoever divorces his wife, except for immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery.” Put another way, if a spouse has committed adultery, this kind of immorality is grounds for the marriage’s dissolution.
In the classic Charles Dickens tale A Christmas Carol, Ebenezer Scrooge needs encounters with three ghosts—those of Christmas past, of Christmas present, and of Christmas future—so as to be able to step out of his shoes for a moment and see how his horrid actions and attitude are affecting those around him in negative ways that he can’t see otherwise.
At times, for a multitude of reasons, a newborn baby simply will not latch on and take his mother’s milk. Though the baby’s life is dependent on receiving the vital nutrition she has to offer, the mother/baby connection does not happen as naturally and easily as mom had dreamed it would.
After sharing with a group about the biblical principles behind the Win-Win Marriage, someone stated to me, "I get the feeling that you may avoid using the word compromise or that you think compromise has a negative connotation."
In the 1996 movie Jerry Maguire, the title character played by Tom Cruise enters his estranged wife’s living room in the climactic scene and tells her, “You complete me.” Cue the melting of hearts of every woman watching one of the more memorable romantic scenes in modern cinema.
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