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Does God Intend to Use You as a Messenger of the Love and Respect Message?

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Have you been infected with the disease of Love and Respect? Has the message of Ephesians 5:33 so contaminated you that it oozes from your pores?

Are you so contagious that when you sneeze you infect others with the same Love and Respect disease?

As you share the good things happening to you, does this create an enthusiasm in others to hear more?

In the Love & Respect Workbook, we tell the reader that a leader's guide is available to use with a small group and it’s quite amazing to think about how many people have emailed us to receive it over the years. Often when they make the request, they share their brief testimony with us.

In fact, Julie emailed us saying,

"I had a friend who attended one of your conferences and couldn't stop talking about how it changed her marriage. I thought this would be a great thing to lead in our church growth groups. I kept feeling the calling to teach this and we currently are going to be leading this group in a few weeks. I ordered the DVDs, and my husband and I are watching them and doing the workbook. I'm so excited to see my own marriage change along with the other couples that will be in our group."

One person sneezed and infected another, who sneezed and polluted another with the real disease of Love and Respect.

A husband writes to us saying,

“We received our Love and Respect DVDs in the mail today and we just wanted to let you know how excited we are to finally be getting our brothers, sisters, cousins and their spouses and fiances (and some singles) together to watch them. My wife’s parents have done several small groups with their own set of DVDs over the last three years and have seen so many miracles as marriages are strengthened and restored!”

These parents sneezed and this son is now sneezing on his brothers, sisters and cousins!

A couple in Kauai, Hawaii had a vision to show the DVD on the island, and they now have an email list of over 600 people. Sarah and I visited to see first-hand what happens when a husband and wife make themselves available to “plug and play.” What we saw put us over the moon!

Whether reaching out to six or six hundred, we encourage you to do what one preacher said, “I set myself on fire and invite others to watch me burn.”

Some of you are so grateful and enthused about this message, but I need to nudge you to invite others to hear your excitement and to watch the DVDs in a small group.

A man writes,

“My wife and I had the privilege of being part of a Love and Respect small group about a year ago. We loved it so much that we became leaders and host the study in our home now. We absolutely love the material, as do the students in our small group.”

Here is the testimony of a wife who was on the receiving end of an invitation to participate:

“My husband and I attend a small group at our church that focuses on your video series. We have really benefited from the material that you present! Our leaders have used the video series at different points in their marriage, and it is interesting to hear their reflection. We really appreciate that they (Rob and Heidi) have opened their homes to us, and have shared such valuable information.”

Some of you need to think outside the box. Listen to this husband:

“My wife and I facilitated a small group from our church, and when doing the study, I realized that the series would be amazing for the inmates where I minister. I presented the Intro at the chapel service and did the announcement for whoever to come and participate in the session. Forty-five inmates appeared and participated for the entire 6 weeks. There has been nothing but praise for how the series is touching their lives and how the practical teaching is being applied in their relationships.”

A woman writes,

“We are leading a small group study in our home, and we are seeing marriages of 1 year to 4 decades be transformed. One of our seasoned couples has said, ‘I wish we had known this back when we were first married.’ It is amazing to see the growth in this couple and the others. They are beginning to see what can happen with just a little decoding.”

Go to our store and invest in serving the people about whom you care.  God intends to use you as a messenger of the Love and Respect message.

Start sneezing.

-Dr. E

Emerson Eggerichs, Ph.D.
Author, Speaker, Pastor

Questions to Consider