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Why Do Some Husbands And Wives Resist Learning About A Win-Win Marriage? - Part 2

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In Part 2, Jonathan and Emerson continue to discuss the reasons why some husbands and wives resist the idea of a win-win marriage. They cover topics such as selfish control, better than thou attitude, arrogance and lack of humility, lack of positive role models, limited negotiation skills, and disbelief in win-win. They emphasize the importance of oneness and unity in marriage and provide practical steps for achieving win-win solutions.

Emerson Eggerichs, Ph.D.
Author, Speaker, Pastor
Jonathan Eggerichs, Psy.D.

Questions to Consider

  1. In what ways do you see elements of selfish control or a "better than thou" attitude affecting your relationship dynamic with your spouse?
  2. Reflecting on your upbringing, how have the models of conflict resolution and decision-making from your parents influenced your own behavior in marriage?
  3. How can you actively cultivate humility and empathy in your interactions with your spouse, particularly when faced with disagreements or differing perspectives?
  4. Consider a recent conflict or disagreement with your spouse. How might applying the principles of listening to understand, affirming their perspective, and seeking win-win solutions have changed the outcome?

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