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4 Prayers That Will Impact Your Marriage

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Can prayer impact your relationship?  Emerson and Jonathan look at four areas where an individual or couple can invite God in. The Presence, Peace, Power, and Purpose of God are examined through four specific prayers and corresponding Bible verses.

Prayer For God’s Presence In Your Marriage

Lord, in 1 Corinthians 7:28, You reveal that there will be trouble in marriage. Some of us have small troubles and others have big troubles. I know You are using this tension to reveal more of Yourself. During this time, I desire Your presence. Suppose I had a “perfect” marriage. If I didn’t feel Your presence, what good would my life be? My trials, which leave me feeling unloved and disrespected in my marriage (Ephesians 5:33), give me new opportunities to encounter You. Your Word promises me that You will draw near to me if I draw near to You. So, by faith, I draw near to You right now, trusting that You draw near to me so that I might feel Your very presence. In the name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.

Prayer For God’s Peace In Your Marriage

Lord, I know You say in Your Word, “My peace I give unto you.” Right now, right here, I ask You to grant me Your peace. I confess that, if I were at total peace with my spouse, I would be tempted to live in a bubble of superficial contentment, thinking I do not need Your peace. But now, Lord, I am driven to seek You, the only place where real peace can be found. I open my heart to You, Lord. When I feel unloved and grieved, impart Your Peace. When I feel disrespected and quenched, send Your Peace.  Grant to me Your peace—this day, this very hour. In Thy name I ask this. Amen.

Prayer For God’s Power In Your Marriage

Lord, Your Word says that Your grace is sufficient for me and that Your power is made perfect in my weakness. Right now, Lord, I am very weak. My marriage reveals things about me that I do not enjoy seeing, things that evidence my imperfection and vulnerabilities. I know that, apart from You on many fronts, I can do nothing. I cannot love and respect perfectly (Ephesians 5:33). I cannot love as I should when I feel disrespected. I cannot respect as I should when I feel unloved. It isn’t in me. But I thank You and praise You for bringing me to this place where I must depend entirely on You. I cannot straighten out my marriage in my own strength, which is a lesson You want me to learn. I praise Your name for the opportunity to walk by faith, trusting only You for each day. Now I know that, when I am weak, then I am strong because Your power rests on me. In Christ’s name. Amen.

Prayer for God’s Purpose In Your Marriage

Father, forgive me for thinking in the midst of this marital pain and struggle that my life is lacking purpose. I know You have a purpose for me in this marriage apart from my spouse! My spouse cannot prevent me from doing Your will. I ask You to reveal that purpose more clearly. Lord, I confess that I wanted absolute fulfillment through my marriage when I should have been seeking more fulfillment from doing Your will in my life (Ephesians 5:33). Though I need love, this is about me loving. Though I need respect, this is about me respecting. Thank You for making me go deeper to discover Your call on my life. I see that, without this trial, I would not have looked carefully to see what You wanted to do in and through me. I am grateful to You for showing me Your marvelous ways and for using me in little ways throughout the day, even when I was in pain from my marriage, and for always assuring me that I do matter to You. I am overwhelmed by the simple truth that You have not forsaken me and You never will. I know Your purpose for me is that I might bear fruit for You. Keep me close to You, Lord, and allow me to bear much fruit for You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Emerson Eggerichs, Ph.D.
Author, Speaker, Pastor
Jonathan Eggerichs, Psy.D.

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