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There Is Hope For Your Marriage!

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Sarah here…..writing from the home front before we take off for our West Chicago conference this weekend…… We are halfway through our fall schedule and it is exciting to continue to be a part of the amazing things God is doing. One of our many prayers is that we would see the divorce rate decrease through the power of this message. We also are praying that the people who hear it would “receive it not as the word of man, but as the very word of God which is able to perform its work in those who believe”(2 Thessalonians 2:13). How encouraging it was in the last three conferences to hear one couple say they were just a signature away from the divorce being final. Another couple shared that the divorce papers were in the car but the lawyer was being called on Monday to cancel the process. (This couple came at the begging of their daughter.) Lastly a man and woman came through the book signing line saying they had just gotten a divorce from one another three months ago AND now they were at a marriage conference!! Wow! I asked them how many children they had and they said two. I said, “They will thank you someday!” I don’t know the end of that story but am praying they chose to change the course of their previous decision. There is always hope. That is why I challenge the people at the end of my session with Romans 15:13 where it says, “and I pray that the God of HOPE will fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him so that you may overflow with HOPE by the power of the Holy Spirit”. I pray this day that you may anticipate with HOPE what God wants to do in your life. Be a part of decreasing the divorce rate, not increasing it!

Sarah Eggerichs

Questions to Consider