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A Son's Letter to His Mother

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A man writes to me: Emerson --

I wanted to share with you the note I just sent my mom, sending her links to your most recent book, Mother and Son: The Respect Effect.  She raised three boys, all of whom are walking with God, raising godly families, and making a big difference for the Kingdom.  Her legacy is amazing....



Mom --

This is far too rare of a note to say "Thank you" for all you did to invest in your sons.

One thing you did very well over the years, is you offered your ongoing gift of RESPECT to your three boys.

I know for me, I always had the sense that "you believed in me."  You allowed me to grow at the right time.  You gave me freedoms that other moms would have never considered.  The more you trusted and respected me, the further I was able to fly.  

Not that I didn't make mistakes -- because I did.  But you always gently challenged me, and never came down on me with a thud of disrespect.  Sadly, that is too often the reaction of most moms.  It is the harsh, disrespect that has destroyed the hearts of so many boys and young men.  Somehow, you knew to be counter-cultural in your relationships with us.  The fruit has been amazing.

This author, Emerson Eggerichs Ph.D., has written a book that I think you could have written.  He has put a professional voice to something you have done intuitively your entire life.  

Emerson and his wife met and attended Wheaton in the early 1970s, shortly after you guys were there.  His books have impacted many lives.

Again, I recognize your respect as something you did well while raising your three boys.  And have continued to pass along to your grandkids.

Thank you so much.



Mothers, can the same be said of you?

Sons, do you need to email your mom a similar note?

-Dr. E

Emerson Eggerichs, Ph.D.
Author, Speaker, Pastor

Questions to Consider