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A Husband’s Response To A Wife’s Respect

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Many families have experienced loss of income or job changes in our recent economy. Here is a story from Rachel who shares what happened when she put the Love and Respect principles into practice as a working mom!

Hi Emerson,

I want to tell you that I am delighted with the impact that your book has had in my life.  I recently went to a bridal shower where everyone was asked to write down a word of advice.  My advice was to read your book and I wrote something to the effect, “Every husband needs unconditional respect.”

I would get resentful.

I have taken your advice and have been telling my husband that I respect him and why I respect him.  Another thing that I have done is to give him the freedom to work on his own projects on my days off.  You see my husband lost his employment 3 years ago and I have been working full time/even overtime since then.  When I work he takes care of our 4 young children, including homeschooling the 2 older ones.

When he would talk about projects he wanted to do on my days off from work (his days off from home), I would get resentful and say that there’s too much to do around the house or that I wasn’t getting a day off by watching the kids.  But I got your book at the beginning of the summer and it made me decide not to fight my husband over his need to do his own thing.

So let me tell you the results:  He has been sweeter than ever.  Our marriage wasn’t bad before, but it definitely had some rough moments.  Yesterday he told me, “You are a blast to be around.”  That was a surprising compliment for me.  He used the time in the garage to make me a useful piece of furniture.

As far as the strain of needing help in the house and with the kids, I’m not really feeling it like I thought I would.  He gets a lot done on the days when he is with the kids.  And I’m taking my turn of relieving his burden with the kids, since I’m not with them like I was when I was a stay at home mom.

I’m learning about what’s important to my husband and we both enjoy being around each other.   I still have to work on what I’ve learned.  I need to practice being a better listener.


My Response:

A lot of families are turned upside down.

A lot of families have been turned upside down by the economy. Responding to these challenges and adjustments with Love and Respect can make all the difference in your marriage. Thank you Rachel for sharing your story!

If you have been affected by the recent economy or are struggling with finances we recommend Dave Ramsey’s ministry Financial Peace.


Emerson Eggerichs, Ph.D.
Author, Speaker, Pastor

Questions to Consider