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YOU Can Make A Difference!

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We are in the middle of our busy fall conference season.  While living out of suitcases and hotels is not everyone’s idea of fun, we are always filled with wonder and awe at God’s faithfulness as we get to experience changed lives.  And when we receive a letter like this one – telling how a couple went on to share this transforming message with their friends, family and community after their own marriage was changed – well, nothing is more rewarding!

Will you consider being a light in your community as this “power couple” is?  We would be honored to partner with you to make a difference.

Many thanks to Cheryl and Eduardo for allowing us to share their letter with you!

~Emerson & Sarah

Dear Emerson and Sarah, We went to the Live Conference in Grants Pass, Oct. 12-13.  We SO enjoyed it and were so touched by hearing the power of your message AGAIN.  We have had the privilege and blessing of leading small Love and Respect groups over the past 5 years.  We are in awe of how God is using this truth-filled material to change people's hearts.  

Thank you both so very much for persevering with this mission ~  to strengthen marriages, bring hope and restoration, giving us tools to hang on to and apply, if our hearts are willing and obedient.  Twenty couples from Crescent City, California went also, one saying it was their "last ditch effort.”  They went forward at the end, to put a stake in the ground for their marriage!  My own parents, sister and brother-in-law went forward too!  Four of the couples were in the 18-35 year old range and were greatly impacted!

We purchased the Respectfully Yours curriculum for future women's studies.  I have viewed the DVD's and plan to look over the study guide.  I am again moved by the heart issues so wonderfully addressed.

We are also hoping to offer a Video Conference in our area in the Spring.  Unless of course you could fit us in your LIVE Conference schedule?!

We are praying for more small group facilitators and have couples in mind that may have that desire.

We will pray for God's plans and future directions for how we can impact our community all the more.  We share your passion and thank you for how this has healed and transformed our own struggling marriage.  We will celebrate our 30th anniversary in January.  Our best years have been since we came to know the Love andRespect way!!!  

God bless and refresh you both~

Cheryl and Eduardo

Emerson Eggerichs, Ph.D.
Author, Speaker, Pastor

Questions to Consider