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What Is Unconditional Positive Regard?

Unconditional regard towards another person's spirit - what does it really mean? In this video Emerson explores how even the most hardened criminals in a US prison were successfully rehabilitated by one warden who believed in treating them with unconditional respect. But what does this mean for us in our marriages? Is it possible to confront and establish boundaries while still showing our spouse unconditional positive regard? Join Emerson as he delves into this thought-provoking topic.

Questions to Consider

  1. What does unconditional mean to you, and how can you apply it in your relationships?
  2. How can you balance honest confrontation and establishing boundaries while showing unconditional positive regard toward others?
  3. Can you think of a time when you received unconditional respect from someone else, and how did it impact you?
  4. How does the idea of treating others with unconditional positive regard challenge your assumptions about respect and deservingness?