Philippians 2:4-5
Don’t be concerned only about your own interests, but also be concerned about the interests of others. Have the same attitude that Christ Jesus had (GW).
Prayer: Thank the Lord for his invitation to have the same attitude that Christ Jesus had, and for the ways he helps sand away the rough edges of self-interest as you both have opportunities to meet each other’s needs for love and respect. Ask him for the wisdom and humility to always see your spouse’s needs as a compliment, not a cause for your complaints. (Also look outside the family, to work, church, and other situations where you can put the needs of others ahead of your own and have your actions come full-circle in various ways.)
Action: During the coming week, practice responding to each other’s requests and needs by saying, “Thanks for the compliment.” As a reminder to do this, put post-it notes in strategic places saying, “Have the same attitude that Christ Jesus had.” (For discussion questions, see page 258 in Appendix A.)