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Welcome to Mother & Son: The Respect Effect video series! We are so grateful that you have decided to see how the concept of respect may actually be the missing ingredient in your relationship with your son. Yes, a boy needs his mother’s love, and we do not dispute that at all. This series is simply meant to challenge you to add a single concept—respect—to your vocabulary with your son, and then observe the results!

We believe that respect is the key to your son’s heart. And hopefully, during these sessions you too will begin to see this . . . and even better, that you will begin to apply Respect-Talk with your son!

For this series, we want you to be able to focus fully on the videos, and then to make sure you are provided with some brief highlights written down for you to help you recall some of the more pertinent information for both your group discussion as well as your personal contemplation when on your own. Each video session will have the corresponding written material in that session, but you may download a pdf version of the content below as well.

Scripture Says It

This is simply a brief list of some of the scriptures Emerson references during the video. We believe the Bible is God’s message to humanity, and He has included in His book life-changing scriptures for parents and children!

They Said It

In each video, Emerson includes many testimonies and quotes from moms, researchers, and other professionals. We have included a few of them here.

Bring It Home

As said already, we want you to be able to focus fully on the video content as you’re watching it. So we provided some bullet points and highlights of the content here for you already. Feel free to add to it as you like!

Up for Discussion

The best part of any discussion group should be the actual discussion! If you are going through this series with a group of other moms, or even just one other mom, try to go through as many of these questions as your allotted time will allow. All group participants should feel free to be completely honest here as they discuss these, at times, difficult and challenging topics.

Just for Mom

Whether you are doing this series on your own or with a group, these last questions are for you to honestly answer for yourself at a later time. Every mother and son situation will be at least a little different. These questions are geared toward getting you to consider how you will begin applying Respect-Talk to your son.

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