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The 4 M.U.S.T. Gifts of Parenting: Be Mature, United, Scriptural, and Tenderhearted - Part 2

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In Part 2 Emerson continues the discussion of the “must-gifts” parents can offer their children: maturity, unity, scriptural guidance, and tender-heartedness. Uncover how these intangible gifts shape a loving home environment, fostering children's moral and spiritual growth, even amidst the chaos of parenting disagreements and the challenges of nurturing faith in the next generation.

Emerson Eggerichs, Ph.D.
Author, Speaker, Pastor

Questions to Consider

  1. How does presenting a united front as parents affect a child's sense of security and stability?
  2. Can you recall moments when your parents' unity (or lack thereof) significantly influenced your behavior or decisions?
  3. What role does scripture play in your approach to parenting, and how do you balance it with the practical aspects of daily life?
  4. How might focusing on being a tender-hearted parent change the way you interact with your children during challenging moments?

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