The 4 M.U.S.T. Gifts of Parenting: Be Mature, United, Scriptural, and Tenderhearted - Part 2
In Part 2 Emerson continues the discussion of the “must-gifts” parents can offer their children: maturity, unity, scriptural guidance, and tender-heartedness. Uncover how these intangible gifts shape a loving home environment, fostering children's moral and spiritual growth, even amidst the chaos of parenting disagreements and the challenges of nurturing faith in the next generation.
Questions to Consider
- How does presenting a united front as parents affect a child's sense of security and stability?
- Can you recall moments when your parents' unity (or lack thereof) significantly influenced your behavior or decisions?
- What role does scripture play in your approach to parenting, and how do you balance it with the practical aspects of daily life?
- How might focusing on being a tender-hearted parent change the way you interact with your children during challenging moments?