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Jump Start Conversations With These Lead-In Sentences

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Emerson and Jonathan discuss the importance of jumpstarting conversations with lead-in sentences to improve communication. They focus on four categories: true communication, kind communication, necessary communication, and clear communication. They provide examples and suggestions for each category, emphasizing the need for being teachable, transparent, accurate, and respectful in conversations. They also highlight the importance of acknowledging feelings, fostering collaboration, allowing disagreement, and waiting before talking.

Emerson Eggerichs, Ph.D.
Author, Speaker, Pastor
Jonathan Eggerichs, Psy.D.

Questions to Consider

True Communication

  • How might our conversations change if we consistently sought out and embraced new, accurate information, acknowledging our potential for error?

Kind Communication

  • How does the tone of our communication impact the overall quality of our relationships, and how can we ensure it reflects love and respect?

Necessary Communication

  • When faced with differing priorities, how can we ensure that essential information is effectively communicated and understood?

Clear Communication

  • How can we ensure a mutual understanding of complex topics by consistently seeking clarification and diving deeper into details?

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