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His Blue, Her Pink: Navigating the Multicolored Aspects of Marriage (The Sexual and Emotional)

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Too often, we feel that because we are equal in God's eyes, we must therefore be the same. Yet, Jesus asked the question in Matthew 19:4, “Have you not read that He who created them from the beginning MADE THEM MALE AND FEMALE...?" Join Emerson and Jonathan as they consider four stories about husbands and wives that demonstrate these pink and blue differences rooted in God's glorious design but which too often are not understood or appreciated by the other spouse, highlighting the sexual and emotional differences that surface in every marriage.

Emerson Eggerichs, Ph.D.
Author, Speaker, Pastor
Jonathan Eggerichs, Psy.D.

Questions to Consider

  1. What messages does “You are wrong” carry with it that “Not wrong, just different” does not?
  2. Why are we more understanding toward our spouse’s opinions toward things like food taste or movie preferences than we are with their opinions on frequency of sex, face-to-face time, and similar marital subjects?
  3. Emerson said that oftentimes “each feels the other exercises the greater influence.” Where might this be the case in your marriage? How would it help you to have a discussion about this with your spouse?
  4. Do you believe the statement “we notice more often what ought not to be”? What are some things that you haven’t noticed because “they ought to be” that you can acknowledge to your spouse today that you notice now and you appreciate?

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