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How a Wife Won Her Husband - His Testimony

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Through the testimony of a husband who engaged in online affairs, Emerson and Jonathan discuss and respond to his report that his wife facilitated the reconciliation through her words and behavior. He said, "She showed me respect when I did not deserve it." 

“Living out our authentic selves at work can be one of the greatest blessings to God, to the people we work with, and to us.”
Emerson Eggerichs, Ph.D.
Author, Speaker, Pastor
Jonathan Eggerichs, Psy.D.

1. What statement or truth revealed in “The Win-Win Couple Protects the Other’s Vulnerabilities” most spoke to you? Why do you think that is?

2. Why can sharing your sexual or emotional vulnerabilities with your spouse be so awkward? What is one vulnerability you wish you could clearly explain to your spouse if you knew they would receive it well and happily accept the challenge to protect it?

3. What “duty” toward your spouse came to mind during this reading in which you may need to ask your spouse’s forgiveness for not meeting as Scripture calls you to? Will you do that?

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