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In this week's episode, Emerson speaks at Liberty University with a message titled, "Wounded Healer." He shares his personal story in order to help others understand how God can use past wounds to bring about healing.
Does the Bible teach that people who claim to believe in God can hate God? Jesus said, “He who hates Me hates My Father also” (John 15:23). So according to Jesus, yes, people can hate God the Father. And for those of us who believe Jesus is God’s Son, people can hate the Son of God. The apostle Paul tells us that there will be “haters of God” (Romans 1:30). People who believe in God can hate God. You cannot hate someone you do not believe exists. Join Emerson and Jonathan over the next two episodes as they examine four reasons someone might hate God: Cursing when suffering, Hostile when disobeying, Hating when proven guilty, Raging when foolish.
In this episode, Emerson and Jonathan discuss how couples can find win-win solutions when they are in disagreement. They emphasize the importance of discussing the facts, feelings, negatives, positives, proposals, and plans.
“As I look back on my marriage to Jackie—56 years, 3 months and 13 days before she went home—I think not so much of light bulb moments, but more of dawning realizations (I seem to be a slow learner)." Emerson and Jonathan discuss a marriage and faith testimony from acclaimed Christian author, Fritz Ridenour, in this week’s episode. **NOTE** We apologize for the audio quality of this episode due to technical difficulties. --Emerson and Jonathan
Emerson and Jonathan continue this important topic in part 2 this week, including adding a third component of apathy. What is the Issue? Children need to honor parents and show this in their respectful attitude and obedient actions. However, many parents do not always feel respected nor obeyed so they seek methods that will motivate the child to be respectful and obedient. How do we deal with this Issue? There are right ways of dealing with this and wrong ways.
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