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Why Does God Not Answer Your Question, “Why God?” [Video]

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We will always have unanswered questions in this life and they can cause us to shut down on God, at which point we block the Lord from working in our lives. We all have our box labeled, “Why, God?” and in that box are the things that haunt, goad or discourage us.

“Why did You allow dad to divorce mom and leave us?”

“Why did I get cancer when I lived such a healthy lifestyle?”

“Why did you let me do something stupid and get expelled?”

“Why has my spouse left me for my best friend?”

Some people close off to God when He seems to remain silent in the face of their honest inquiries.

Others do not close off but go deeper in trusting Abba Father.

From their experiences, I have learned that the Lord invites us to ask Him to work outside of our box of unanswered questions and to keep looking to Him no matter how dark it may be at the moment.

To move forward, we must trust the goodness and power of God. We must counter the temptation to question His goodness and power to allow whatever has happened. We must resist declaring, “If He does not answer my question, I will call Him into question!”

Jesus calls us to trust God just as He did in the light of His own unanswered question on the cross when He cried out, “My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken Me?” (Matthew 27:46) His Father was silent, yet Jesus continued to believe in His compassion and sovereignty.

No matter what is in our box of “whys,” Jesus expects us to do the same. He bids us to believe and to take courage in the face of what we cannot answer or explain.

It is not un-Christlike to ask, “Why?” After all, Jesus did that very thing while he was hanging on the cross, when He felt the Father had turned His back on him.

However, what is un-Christlike is refusing to surrender our will to His will and not giving ourselves over to Him in trust as Jesus ultimately did when He said, "Father, into Thy Hands I commend my spirit."

Have you chosen to trust Christ based on what you understand about Him in the Gospels, even though He remains silent when you ask Him, “Why?”

Or have you chosen to distrust Him because He does not answer your questions in your time?

Though bad things happen to good people, Jesus reveals to us that Abba is still all-loving and all-powerful. He is not uncaring or powerless, even though at a point in time it may feel this way. We walk by faith not by sight, and Jesus shows us how.

When we want to know what to believe and how to behave, we choose to imitate Christ Jesus. He asked, “Why?” But He entrusted Himself over to the goodness and sovereignty of the Father.

Have you?

-Dr. E

Emerson Eggerichs, Ph.D.
Author, Speaker, Pastor

Questions to Consider