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Healthy vs. Unhealthy Self-Esteem - Part 2

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In part 1 of this series, I discussed the difference between carnal and healthy self-love, and why it is important for Christians to understand the significance of both. But what do we do about it?

How do we develop a healthy self-love?

Simply put: people view themselves as God views them. We do not listen to the accuser of the brethren condemning us about our shameful past, but instead we receive the forgiveness of Christ who loves us and died for us.

The Bible says, “For you have been bought with a price” (1 Corinthians 6:20), which is the blood of Christ.

We are worth Jesus to God. His life for our lives. Galatians 3:13 states, “Christ redeemed us from the curse of the Law, having become a curse for us.”

Had each of us been alone on the planet, Jesus would still have come and died for us, even while knowing we alone would be responsible for crucifying him.

He would die for the sinful person who had to kill Him. We might say, He went the electric chair for the crimes we committed, knowing that we would be the one to flip the switch.

He died in our place--the substitutionary atonement.

The reality of this truth stunned me the first time I heard it, and awakened deep feelings of gratitude, rejoicing and brokenness over Christ’s love for me. Then, in sharing it with a youth group several years later and being moved by their genuine response, it caused me to weep. “Could He really love me that much?”

What does this mean for the man or woman struggling with their view of self?

It means they live daily with a sense of self-worth because of the value that Christ stamps on them--they are “paid in full!”

Christ accepts them, and they accept that He accepts them.  

Ephesians 1:6 says, “He hath made us accepted in the beloved” (KJV). Christ loves us and we love Him for loving us. We know that nothing shall separate us from the “love of Christ” (Romans 8:35). We conduct ourselves in accordance with Christ’s love and acceptance of us.

We recognize that a carnal self-love leads to selfism.

And every person recognizes that spiritual self-love leads to trust and obedience, to the love of God, and to the love of others.

Emerson Eggerichs, Ph.D.
Author, Speaker, Pastor

Questions to Consider