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A Note to the Women from Sarah…

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As a Pastor’s wife for nearly 20 years, I have a real heart for all the women out there who are working hard to “do it all.” I know women are strong and can handle a lot. But I also know we become burdened by all that isn’t perfect in our relationships: with our husbands, our children, or – for those who aren’t yet married - your boyfriends.

As a child of divorce, I wanted nothing more than to have a happy intact family. But it’s not so easy as wanting it…it takes a lot of work. As a young wife and mother of 3, I needed lots of support to stay on course with doing marriage God’s way…and I’ll bet you do too.

That’s why I was so excited to participate in Love and Respect’s first women’s DVD study, titled “Respectfully Yours.” Since we launched this 8 week study last fall, we have been blown away by the feedback that has been pouring in! This isn’t a magic formula, and it’s not a way to manipulate your man to do what you want. It’s a challenge to all of us to focus on whether we believe God is good…and if He is, can we trust Him to know what’s best for our marriage?

In the next few weeks we’ll be sharing testimonies from women who have put this to the test. Let’s start by hearing from a woman who decided to facilitate Respectfully Yours in her church. Here’s what happened:

I just finished facilitating your new Respectfully Yours class at my church and I couldn't wait to tell you how fantastic it is...I was very excited when this new study came out, and I have to say it went beyond any expectations I had!

Last night was our last session and one gal came in beaming to show off her engagement ring. (There were five single gals who came.) Another woman who had previously shared a struggle in getting her husband to help with meal preparation, shared that a day after she told him the things she respected about him, he came out to the kitchen and asked if he could help her cut tomatoes! Another one shared how the second week of the study, she and her husband were at the end of their ropes, ready to end it due to a huge battle regarding an ongoing issue but by the 8th session have renewed their relationship and come to an agreement on the issue. Another said "our communication is great, I am making sure to do more shoulder to shoulder activities with him. I can't explain it but I feel love radiating from him."

Even those who are struggling with desperate situations are re-committed to not quitting and doing what they can to restore their marriages and to be obedient to God in order to hear that “well done.” Here's what one of them said: "I have more peace now than I ever had, even amidst the chaos and uncertainty in my life and marriage." Many noted how the class deepened their faith, as well as improving communication with their man.

All of the ladies noted how much they learned about themselves, about being obedient to God's commands and knowing who we are in Christ - strong, dignified daughters of the king. This course does a great job of focusing on ourselves rather than our husbands.

I can't find the right words to express the excitement and energy in the room where we were meeting - no one would leave! Anyway, loved, loved this study - thank you so much for your ministry and for all the lives God has touched and will touch through you.

In Him,


Ladies, I would love to have you discover the secret to power and influence in your marriage.

Respectfully Yours,

~Sarah Eggerichs

Sarah Eggerichs

Questions to Consider