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Help! My Husband Won’t Leave Our Church, But The Family Dislikes It

In this video, Emerson responds to a challenging issue: a family divided over their church involvement. By offering principles of Addition, Honor, and Time, Emerson provides a compassionate and practical approach for a wife seeking harmony between her husband’s deep commitment to their church and the family’s need for a more nurturing spiritual environment.

Questions to Consider

  1. For the Husband: Reflecting on your family’s concerns, how can you balance your commitment to your current church with the spiritual needs and well-being of your wife and children?
  2. For the Wife: In what ways can you honor and support your husband’s devotion to serving the church while also advocating for your family’s spiritual growth and needs?
  3. For the Couple: How can you both incorporate the principle of “Addition” into your routine to explore new spiritual environments together without feeling like you’re abandoning your current commitments?
  4. How does giving each other “Time” and “Honor” in decision-making processes impact your overall relationship?