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Doesn't My Husband Get Respect Outside The Home?

Are you struggling to find fulfillment in your own needs for love and respect? In this conversation, Emerson Eggerichs addresses a common question from a wife who wonders if her husband has an advantage in getting his needs for respect met outside of the home, while she feels limited to finding her need for love within the marriage. Discover Emerson's response as he explains the two-way street of meeting needs within a marriage and encourages a bigger picture perspective.

Questions to Consider

  1. Can a husband and wife have some of their respect and love needs met outside the marriage?
  2. How important is it for spouses to have their needs met within the marriage, rather than seeking fulfillment elsewhere?
  3. How can couples avoid becoming myopic and focus on the bigger picture when critiquing their relationship?
  4. In what ways can couples ensure that their deepest needs for love and respect are being met within the marriage relationship, rather than seeking it elsewhere?