Encouragement and Feedback

Congratulations! You did it! You have completed “The 15-Day Plan to Help Your Marriage.” You did something positive related to your conversational tone, your emotional deposits, your gender tendency, your default reaction, your Crazy Cycle, your needed apology, and your unconditional positive regard.

As you know, doing each of these one time ONLY so that your spouse will change would be a misguided conclusion. Each of these seven actions are like a healing ointment that needs routine application. For instance, for burns that are more severe, the application of the ointment must be applied regularly for many months. One time is insufficient for healing. A continued application prevents infection and restores the skin. The same holds true with your marriage.

With Love and Respect,


P.S. As a member please enjoy the rest of the content on the site from the regularly added podcasts, articles, and Ask Emerson videos, to the other courses and collections. Please feel free to return to this 15 Day Plan content as well. A beneficial next step you might consider is to go through the 4 part series The Crazy Cycle In Marriage, which is included with a membership along with a dozen other courses and much more.

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