Mistakes Happen—And Then What?

Ecclesiastes 7:20

There is no one on earth who does what is right all the time and never makes a mistake (GNT).

Prayer: Thank God for his forgiveness of your mistakes. In trying to be a loving man or respectful woman, we blow it. Owning up to mistakes is never easy, but it is always the way to move forward. Take good care not to accuse your spouse of mistakes as you pray. Also, pray about any forgiving to be done in the family, any forgiveness that needs to be asked. Children may need forgiveness (and what about Mom and Dad?).

Action: When mistakes happen (and they always will), deal with them by using powerful little phrases like “I’m sorry,” “I blew it,” “I apologize,” and “please forgive me.” (For discussion questions, see page 220 in appendix A.)

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Mistakes Happen—And Then What?
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