Sex and Affection: A Two-Way Street

1 Corinthians 7:3

The husband should fulfill his marital duty to his wife, and likewise the wife to her husband (NIV).

Prayer: Thank God that you both have needs only the other can meet. Pray for the wisdom to meet those needs fairly with mutual concern for one another.

Action: Having devotions about sex can draw you closer or possibly start up the Crazy Cycle. Share honestly with each other about your needs on this two-way street. Talk together or possibly write each other notes about your needs as lovingly and respectfully as you can. If sex continues to be a serious issue, consider seeing a skilled Christian counselor. See appendix D (page 289) for counseling resources. (For discussion questions, see page 235 in appendix A.)

Have you watched the video and read this?
Sex and Affection: A Two-Way Street
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