To Tell The Truth . . . Is Not Always Easy

Ephesians 4:25

So stop telling lies. Let us tell our neighbors the truth, for we are all parts of the same body (NLT).

Prayer: Ask the Lord to empower you to speak the truth to each other humbly and gently when feeling unloved or disrespected. Ask him to help you understand that it is futile to let these things go by because a “good spouse shouldn’t feel this way.” Thank him in advance for helping you have a marriage where there is ever-growing love and respect.

Action: One couple I know puts little signs around their home that say, “Talk to me like you LOVE me,” and “Talk to me like you RESPECT me.” What better way to make it easier to tell each other the truth? (For discussion questions, see page 230 in appendix A.)

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To Tell The Truth . . . Is Not Always Easy
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